- Teenage girls. They're all emotional and over-sensitive, to the point of just being a burden on society. Every little thing gets them all worked up and suicidal. Sorry little girl, but your boyfriend was a douche anyway, who cares if he dumped you? Learn what real problems are, and stop whining about how much your life sucks every time you break a nail. Plus they prop up all this stupid stuff, like Justin Beiber, Mean Girls 2, or some other equally talentless production. I wish I could tie them down and play all 1227 songs on my iPod to them. Nonstop for three months. Maybe then they'd have a good sense of culture. Or at least common sense. Not to mention thay dress all slutty, but society has this unwritten rule that you're not supposed to look at them, even if you don't touch them. Why don't we have rules that prohibit twelve year old girls from having D cup boobs, then cramming them into skimpy t-shirts? That's cut down the pedophile rates extremely. I know my thoughts would be a lot cleaner.
- Mornings. Every morning, I look at my blaring alarm clock, reading 5:45 in those green, souless letters and moan. I then proceed to pick up the book I fell asleep reading the night before and smash it to pieces. As you can imagine, I spend a lot of money at Best Buy buying replacements. But without that evil piece of machinery dictating my life scedule, I sleep like the baby I never was. Then end up walking to school because the bus driver isn't courteous enough to come to my house, knock on my bedroom door, and make sure I'm ready to board in time. Jerk.
- Public School. One thing I remember from the years I was starting school is the feeling of misplacement. I couldn't help but think that I was the only one who felt weird about giving my entire life over to a piece of cloth through verbal contract. But that feeling far from went away. Especially when I entered high school. The ideaology that good "grades=smart child"and "bad grades=dumb child" was so prominent that to this day it makes me sick. My grades were horrible. But I am far from unintelligent, as anyone who truly knows me will tell you. The way public school is run is really not far from the early American days, when simple memorization was considered learning. I consider learning to be when one has grasped the concept enough to be able to efficiently teach others. How many high school graduates do you know that could understand their old textbooks nowadays? If I was in control of molding public school into my own design, first thing I'd do is fire nearly every teacher. I'd then replace the staff wth people who not only love kids, but are loved back by them. School would be a place where students can come to enjoy learning, and learn a lot. Assignments are only given when they are necessary, not to fill up gradebooks. Now, it'd be no perfect utopia, but you can bet your arse you'd wanna come.
- American Prison/Disciplinary System. So, imagine some guy breaks into a co-ed's apartment, rapes her, and steals all her valuables. Goes to jail, right? Ten years or so, then released back into society on probation. Wrong. In my world, the criminal would be flogged severly; one lash for every thrust he had in her, and for every dollar worth of material he stole. That'd teach him a lesson, not hanging around with a bunch of guys and smoking home-made ciggarettes in the exercise yard. I don't understand why America has such a passion for the criminal's rights. Granted, he's still human, and petty crimes can be forgiven. But to me, rape and murder are two nearly inexcusable crimes. That's why I don't believe in the death penalty. But I'd have a man flogged to the point of passing out and feel no remorse.
That's all for now folks, I'll finish it later probably.
It's hard to feel compassion for a rapist. I get that. A murderer on the other hand . . . it depends. Consider redirecting your attention to the society pushed a person to kill. Every case is different, I suppose, but crime perpetuates itself and is passed to every generation where there is a gaping chasm between haves and have nots. Not every monster was born a social deviant. Ever seen Taxi Driver? That movie made a lot more sense to me as I aged.
ReplyDeleteTrue, society's hostility can drive people to be potentialy murderous sadists, but there's also the matter of willpower. For example, serial killer Ed Kemper was constantly verbally abused by his mother, and ended up a murderer and necrophiliac. But every victim of abuse isn't driven to that. The world can indeed be a cold, unfriendly place. That, however, does not justify taking the life of another human being. We'd hardly have any living people on the earth if every victim of society went around kiling people.